
Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Weekend


Just popping in to wish everyone a Hoppy Easter!  Today started with a lovely Good Friday walk with our local parish which was just what I needed, fresh air, beautiful scripture and a wonderful start to the long weekend.
Home to make a quiche for supper and some cupcakes for the potluck tomorrow.  Tomorrow is a potluck and dramatic performance at the church in the evening - Cameron is in the production so we will be headed there.  Sunday is morning worship and then supper at my in-laws.

I hope everyone gets to have a relaxing weekend as well...a stitching update is coming soon!  Working on a couple of gifts that once gifted can be shared.

And I've always believed in a higher being, but this year seems to be pulling me closer to Him.  So this Easter...

The sleepy colors of winter
Fade fast in the dawn of spring.
The joy of Easter's promise,
Delivers sweet reason to sing

Refreshed from her snowy slumber,
Mother Earth exalts her worth.
In a colorful burst of glory,
She blazons her wondrous rebirth

Renew your spirit, refresh your soul,
Rejoice with all humankind.
Celebrate life everlasting.
Peace and wonder are yours to find.

The blessing of the Lord
be upon you...
Psalms 129:8

* * * * *

May the glory
and the promise
of this joyous time of year
Bring peace
and happiness to you
and those you hold most dear,

And may Christ,
Our Risen Saviour,
always be there by your side
To bless you
most abundantly
and be your loving guide.


Lynn said...

Thank you Rebecca. This is a beautiful post. We had a Galilean meal on Maundy Thursday and tonight I'm headed in to sing at the Easter vigil. I've been baking all day since we're the coffee hour hosts on Easter Sunday. Then our meal on Monday. I should be pretty tuckered out by then!
Happy Easter to you and your family!